Harris-Kroll, Jennifer

Jennifer Harris-Kroll

Director of Growth

As Anthill’s Director of Growth and Strategy, Harris-Kroll works closely with Dr. Muriel Clauson and Dr. Young-Jae Kim to expand the company’s HR tech platform worldwide – growing its customer base and in-house team to provide seamless client integration. Her efforts have inspired Anthill’s podcast, “Being Deskless LIVE”, as well as its bi-weekly brief “Being Deskless Newsletter”, which curates a round-up of the latest articles about the deskless workforce. Harris-Kroll’s background includes Senior Specialist and Workplace Innovation Catalyst for SHRM labs, an organization that works to elevate HR and advance the HR profession by providing opportunities for learning, growth, and leadership in the workplace tech space. Prior to her time with SHRM, she founded Laudable Media, where she used her marketing and HR knowledge to provide support to BIPOC and LGBTQ+ founders. She is also the previous co-founder and COO of Career Research Group, where she traveled the U.S. and Canada educating companies on how to train, speak to, and nurture employees, thereby creating a robust employee retention and engagement strategy.